
I had a cheat day and allowed myself to have two triangles of a big Toblerone… Now I’m sitting here craving chocolate

ay5Y558_460sI would have had more if I hadn’t checked the nutrition…
toblerone2 thirds of my daily sugar in a couple large chunks of chocolate…

such a fun opportunity to test my resolve *sarcasm*


nutrition log – doing it my way (MS excel)

I give up on and, they’re both crap as far as I’m concerned.
I just entered broccoli for lunch on and its coming up with different values for different meals. no deal. So I went back to the Excel sheet I downloaded from some apparent Australian nutrition authority, and made my own Nutrition Calculator in Excel.. This required learning the INDIRECT function in excel, which was a fruitful exercise in MS Excel. It’s pretty handy in that regard.

excel-imageSo this should be fine, looks like it’s working just fine 😀
I’ve checked the function values and yer seems all good.

All I have to do is search for a food in the database, and enter it’s row number into my foods sheet, then add that to any day. The file is here for any use requirements:

My nutrition plan-Excel template

Blocking websites easily on a home wifi router

For a few years I’ve found free to air TV to be painful. One time while holidaying with my Dad I was bored and resigned to watching TV – I was really surprised how shit it was. That can now compare to facebook, I don’t really use the website much recently, and I went as far as to block the domain on my home internet connection (instructions to follow). I blocked facebook for a few reasons:

  • When I have a moment to think of something to do, looking at facebook can turn into hours of distraction with various links plastered everywhere.
  • I don’t like comparing myself to others in an artificial way. It doesn’t really serve me to see all the interesting and cool things people I have met are up to – while I’m sitting in front of a computer screen (not standing – as I’m talking past tense).

So, I blocked facebook.

Bad posture

I was was noticing a bit of soreness around my lower back which I associated with bad posture on my computer chair.. So I went to my latest trusted resource and read about it. no back chairI found an easy partial solution.. no more seat back..

This didn’t solve the problem entirely, by chance I saw a low table sitting in storage which I thought would be perfect. It is pretty good, I just dusted it off this morning and have already noticed a difference. So my chair is sitting unused behind me. My keyboard is now sitting at basically exactly my belly button. Typing feels more natural, and the signs of bad posture aren’t getting my attention.. go team.

The status quo can be dangerous

This is a dark one. I can understand why things like Scientology are popular from a primal sense. The need to be part of a group is fundamental to survival.willful-blindness This can be dangerous when that group is malicious, wilful or not. Not saying Scientology is malicious – at least not to current or possible future devotees. For example the word genocide is a good example of how large numbers of complicit parties can perform pretty nasty things. So we can see plainly that people in general can hold beliefs that can be harmful to others…
I don’t like to talk about this due to it being so definitively polarised, but an example today I think could be vaccines…
Others may be Prison Unions in the US, the war or drugs, or more generally the proliferation of industrial corruption.