Focus and direction

At this moment the two things that I am focusing on balancing are diet and thyroid. The main challenges are the momentum of my procrastination and the causes of my procrastination.

The momentum of my procrastination is basically sitting in front of a computer and getting taken away by the chaos of global politics at this time (very chaotic) as well as other ways to lose time on social media. I can easily drift to other jobs not directly related to my goals, this is not helped by the causes of procrastination. Having a short attention span/ no motivation symptom of being hungry or low on thyroid.. or circadian rhythm being out of alignment (low dopamine as Jack Kruse says). These causes of procrastination fail to pull me back into being motivated, where I will complete goals and operate with a positive feedback loop. Ideally, with hunger,  circadian rhythm and thyroid all balanced, I have time to work through the overwhelm of small ideas and projects with diligence. This means checking goals and what I’m doing with my time in a feedback loop, to help optimise my time and effort into goals. At the moment I feel like a back-log of projects makes choosing tasks to focus on seem over whelming, this is where scheduling can help.

So the first goals are  balancing hunger,  circadian rhythm and thyroid.


Work out food intake on average in terms of grams of carbs, fat and protein during the day. Does this look god? How can I Optimise it for a Paleo lifestyle. Is Keto an option?


This is simply a matter of balancing dosages. I need to finish reading these books on Thyroid, compare to what Kruse says on his website and keep doing labs for my own values.. learning more as I go

Circadian Rhythm

I need to go through this podcast again for notes on dialling in circadian rhythm. I am very sold on these ideas after listening once..

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