
This video is sooo detailleedddd – still worth knowing.

Also this episode of The Primal Blueprint Podcast. Really reiterates the mentality I am beginning to foster about my health. It covers:

  • Skin health
  • Thyroid function – which I am yet to assimilate
  • Sleep – reiterating something I failed to do last night and hence paid the price
  • Coffee – detailing the narrative of addiction and how it doesn’t serve.
  • Liver cleanses – although the guest seems against them in favor of other protocols, specifically a supplement based on broccoli. Here to be frank I am getting a bit over constantly recommended supplements – often it seems they are just to generate profit for whoevers pushing them.
  • Time frame for gut health and immune health to balance to a Primal lifestyle – maybe six months to a year – of low sugar, very little grain eating for the point of removing candida/parasites/bacteria etc. Then there’s the whole low carb thing aswell.
  • Not going in guns blazing to remove things like Candida etc
  • Switching up probiotics, something I was about to do basically by chance anyway..
  • Also there’s all this excitement about anti-oxidants. This confuses me reading about ozone in the Plazamafire ebook, where studies are referenced that show free radical theory is apparently void?!

Thats a large part of it I guess..

DHT – Distributed hash table

Basically DHT is a living mesh of neurons able to duplicate information around the globe. This is why I have passion for the not just the internet but connected electronic networks generally. I remember

When I was maybe 7 years old I went into the computer room in the library and discovered the first instance I’d really seen of a computer network; probably the most advanced piece of electronics I’d really laid eyes on growing up.

Rogan and Theroux on Darkness

On Wednesday night I gave in to my hunger (Candida??) and ate some chocolate and nuts around midnight. This is the second time I’ve snacked late at night with the mindset ‘we’ll see how I’m going tomorrow, surely this won’t affect me’… Wrong. I felt this weird dark energy yesterday. It very likely is largely due to the content I was chatting about Wednesday night as well as messing with my digestion/sleep  by snacking. Anyway it was good timing to watch this episode of JRE with Louis Theroux. They were talking a lot about Scientology, and about how beliefs work etc..

Health post it notes

  • Fish oil bad – Dr Rowen
  • Calcium supplements also bad..
  • I may start a liver cleanse which seems to have a philosophy in improving digestion through the restoration of liver function, resulting in better bile production, crucial for digestion. It really seems dense resistance like liver stones or whatever you call them reverberate these efficiency reductions through the immune system, apparently this cleanse can remove hundreds of liver stones (!).
  • It’s good being able to see results in the last couple weeks of the Kalcker cleanse (!!!). I got a reply from Kalcker himself confirming that I wait until the next full moon (lols new age) for the parasite life-cycle to become active before restarting the first 8 days. I also received replies from Kerry Riviera and Dr Kalcker re the oxidation effectiveness of MMS vs Ozone, both confirming MMS was apparently better, this I don’t know either way, both seem to have a bunch o pro-biotic effects.
  • Doing Ozone saunas for 20 minutes seems to have the effect of mild energy use, I guess the other benefits are more subtle. If you have unhealthy cells being taken apart by reactive oxygen species released by Lymphaticly absorbed Ozone = well-being. Also the heat shock proteins I think they’re called come into effect stimulating cellular activity I guess.
  • Reiterating it is very heartening to feel results with this much of a personal investment.
  • My fructose sensitivity seems to have chilled out, possibly due to daily saurcraut and kefir probiotics.
  • Coffee sensitivity still somewhat not stellar, possibly tied to the liver. My alcohol sensitivity also points to this..

Clearing old belief systems with Franco Denicola

___7574235This call is a preview call for a recent “Clearing, Restoring & Renewal Retreat” It goes over a method for clearing old belief systems. I’ve gone over the process today and found it very useful to help clarify issues surrounding guilt and shame. Just going to write out a summary in the form of a spoken meditative monologue to remind myself of.

mp3 link