Cold showers and diet thoughts

Just listened to The Joe Rogan Experience #773 with Dr. Rhonda Patrick and there were some interesting points. They were talking about the benefits of cold showers and how it’s actually not good to have a cold shower soon after exercising because it can blunt the benefits of the inflammation response of the body to physical exercise.. well that was her hypothesis. There were many other things discussed which don’t come to mind although as is often the case, it was a worth while podcast.

I just got home from a hill ride, I have done the same 40km ride before without my legs being totally exhausted and so I guess I have been in better shape. I would also note that the diet I’m on has been doing good things for my energy, I felt I was able to keep powering on without suffering too much in as far as how my energy systems were working. So thats good news, another plus for the diet I’m on, just need to rest my legs now. Time to scoot my ass over to mums for more dinner. Didn’t count food intake today properly. I think I’ll add all my own custom foods to since their food profiles are all over the place.

New diet (marked mood and energy results)

So around last Wednesday I decided to give this Primal Diet thing a go.

Seems pretty interesting to me, especially since my Doctor told me I have 2 out of the 3 gluten intolerance genes. When I first listened to this episode I was hesitant, I was following along until he said giving up all grains. Hold the phone, jettison the baby and bathwater. I love my grains. Every day I would have a huge bowl of oats as well as rice for lunch and dinner. I’d just bought Tupperware for both these grains. I mean come on. Anyway for whatever reason I tried to give it a go, I started reading the new book on my kindle, which I subsequently returned since The Primal Blueprint was more what I wanted (the new one focuses on health and fitness for endurance.. I just want the diet). So the reason I wanted to start the diet is basically the results I was really hoping for. I’m actually super happy with the results. I had a bit of a read on which basically had everything I wanted from the book.

Continue reading “New diet (marked mood and energy results)”

dealing with stomach parasites

Been having some stomach problems since the start of the year, so got my digestive system tested. The reason for the test was actually acute sugar sensitivity, where a small amount of sugar, say 2 teaspoons hiding in a nut ‘health bar’ would make me feel crap within a couple minutes. I know most of the serotonin in the body is produced in the stomach so I figured this may have something to do with it. One of the problems detected was Blastocystis which is a stomach parasite. I was prescribed antibiotics which I held off from for a couple weeks while I tried natural methods (Paracea, garlic 3 times a day and 3 drops of MMS hourly for 8 hrs a day for a few days and various probiotics). This didn’t seem to solve the problem so I went with the antibiotics. Just finished that yesterday but still noticing a crash towards the end of the day. So today I watched this video which was all like hey Goji is the greatest thing ever. I stumbled upon it because a natropath I saw recently commented on how my red blood cells were stuck together, so I was looking into that. Seems they are talking about Goji berries, luckily I found some at my local supermarket basically straight away. This lead me back to this guy, who was the reason I have Chaga mushroom powder sitting in my room, which is another thing I need to look into preparing.

Gobi berries cost $7 for 150g at Coles so I think I’ll be snacking on these for a while, so addictive.  I wanted to know a good dose, in this study they took 120ml for a fortnight… although they were taking this stuff and I’m not sure of the potency. I just had a bunch of yoghurt (first time having sugar in a while actually) as well as some  Goji berries and I feel more energised… hmm.. anyway. Will be interesting to experiment with this in the afternoon tomorrow…

drug prohibition

-just found this dated 25 Sep  14
Imagine if all the packaging companies lobbied for knife prohibition to protect preprepared food packaging profits. Parents would spout ideology like “knives are bad” or “just say no to knives” and all the ‘hippie conspiracy theorists’ would talk about the problems with ‘big packaging’