Digestive aids

I’ve been using digestive enzymes along with ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) 20 minutes before eating to help with digestion. After a dentist visit, I just remembered “apple cider vinegar can be bad for your tooth enamel due to its high acidity.” – livestrong.com – I’ll make sure to rinse from now on.

Edit: O3 also kills bacteria, the bacteria which eat sugar and mess with your teeth.. So I have been rinsing with O3 water, and also drinking it

Vitamin D and Sulfur methylation

Really enjoying this episode of One Radio Network with Patrick Timpone. Covers Sulfur and methlation in terms of Bio Chem. Doesn’t seem to go into MTHFR genetics, which is evidently the most important thing for me. Initially I thought the reactions I was having to sulfur were a Herxheimer reaction.. Looking back with my new understanding of genetic defects (which it would symptomatically seem strongly that I have) it seems that my ability to methylate sulfur needs to be looked at much more closely


After going down the hypothyroid path a while back, I woke up yesterday feeling very run down. Pretty obvious, the room being too cold disallowed me from sleeping properly. Despite the body being supposed to ‘cool down’ while sleeping, in my case, where the body is in a detriment of metabolic resources, keeping warm is more important. I slept in thermals and socks last night, much more energy today. Waking temperature (measured under armpit for ~15 minutes with a digital thermometer) was 36 this morning. I guess this is an improvement. The idea of using NDT (naturally desiccated thyroid) is somewhat appealing, although not really keen to go down that path again at this point, sans appendix.


The ‘grab the pussy’ line is *the entirety* of arguments against DJT (45).
It has been capable to this point of founding the basis for a definition of him as the other, the bad guy, the receiver of blame.
That one line. Find another reason…?! Other than slander.
This redefinition by the media highlights the power of media to define something based on a recorded event, more widely how GEOTUS has been able to overcome hahaha the entire MSM machine.

Pray for Trump