The Capitalist West in two words

Scarcity and Domination.

By existing in an environment of scarcity, domination is unavoidable. Like many of the complex systems we take for granted to make ordinary life possible, modern energy systems are definitely one system just outside the periphery of our western culture. There are renewable energy flag wavers, and even these people promoting solutions available and ready to go are ignored by the momentum of non-renewables. This takes place without logic, as non-renewable energy inherently always has been, illogical.

At the start of the 20th Century a guy called Tesla provided examples of energy which didn’t require a power meter. People with belief systems tired into their banking power didn’t like this and we see the result of the 20th century. Now the game is up, the disease of corrupt banking has already collapsed once in 2008. Another band-aid this will not fix.

To understand the proliferation of this entropic energy system, just consider that everything everywhere in the ‘1st world’ was carried there by non-renewable energy.

Solar and wind are great, they don’t circumvent any laws of physics, sweet…

But now we are seeing even science is becoming aware of energy outside entropy, in sub atomic physics there is no decay, there is only a probability of existence. Within this ‘all-possibility’ we can derive a fun term; neg-entropy (a term I learned from Robert Pope).

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