Recently YouTube was kind enough to pepper my feed with a video of Edgy Brah (Eddie Bravo) talking about Q. He mentioned a couple resources.

JustInformed Talk
prayingmedic (who has a podcast feed available as well)

Notable was Prayingmedic talking about various hints that Q is very closely working with 45 to take down the Pedo-Elite.
Also interesting hearing about Facebook, and remembering that Facebook came preinstalled on my Samsung S android phone, and was nonremovable.. which bugged me to the point of investigating installing a custom ROM…
creeps gonna creep (until the sunlight of truth disinfects the bugs)

Salt rampage

I did a search for salt in the iTunes podcast store. Partially motivated by reading on my latest heavy metal protocol, but also because of cramps tied to salts as identified by my BJJ coach. Just had  > a teaspoon of dissolved Celtic sea salt in a Powerade bottle, feeling better…. Another mineral to obsess about 🙂

From the protocol: “If you are having a hay-fever attack, try the salt and a glass of water. Make sure and look at the second hand of a clock. Because you will want to take note in how many seconds it takes to work.”

Feels good in my lungs too… hmmm..!!!!!

In my head this feels a little Wim Hoff’y like a cellular cleaning in my brain…
“The body needs the Chloride from salt to detoxify, to make the right amount of HCL in the stomach for digestion, to clean neurons”

This all feels a little synchronistic

here we go: Continue reading “Salt rampage”