BJJ Monday

Really cool stuff. Defending the standing guard pass. feet to butt is the basic principle for closed guard pressure. On their second step of their standing guard pass, pull them down.

Or, after their first step, put all your weight through their opposite hip to prevent the second step.
You can cup their elbow which will be posting on you, and sweep them by attempting you shift your hips 90 degrees, and swinging the far leg out, as in a pendulum sweep, you can sweep over to mount

Proj. Camelot: PATRICIA CORI

From here:

…Twenty years since she first re- connected and attuned to a group of extra-dimensional light beings that her readers have come to know as the Sirian High Council, this collective returns, through Patricia’s dedicated process as their Scribe, with new revelations that affirm the veracity of earlier prophecies, while transmitting new visions for the human race. They affirm that we are ascending through the outer reaches of the fourth dimension into new levels of conscious awareness and parallel realities, as we prepare for our imminent emergence. Their messages delve into crucial issues facing humankind and the planet today, to include the merging of mind and AI, exoplanetary migrations for our species (and what that means for planets that will receive us), coming clean about cloning, the care and feeding of the human soul, and the slipping of the time-space continuum.

Hair test results – well ok then..!

Just got these hair test results back and jeez..!

So looking into all the chelation protocols I can find on the net, this is a new rabbit hole and my latest intervention… hehe… it continues. So mercury chelation seems to be the most popular chelation protocol as far as facebook groups.. possibly the best protocol I’ve seen so far is The Wilking Protocol, which I will look at applying for myself. This protocol seems to be an extension of sorts of the Cutler Protocol. I’m wondering about how my magnesium and iodine levels will effect my treatment protocol possibly.

I listened to Chris Kressers podcast with Chris Shade, (itunes link) which was very informative on immune and mental problems caused by heavy metals, as well as touching on detoxing. Continue reading “Hair test results – well ok then..!”

Focus and direction

At this moment the two things that I am focusing on balancing are diet and thyroid. The main challenges are the momentum of my procrastination and the causes of my procrastination.

The momentum of my procrastination is basically sitting in front of a computer and getting taken away by the chaos of global politics at this time (very chaotic) as well as other ways to lose time on social media. I can easily drift to other jobs not directly related to my goals, this is not helped by the causes of procrastination. Having a short attention span/ no motivation symptom of being hungry or low on thyroid.. or circadian rhythm being out of alignment (low dopamine as Jack Kruse says). These causes of procrastination fail to pull me back into being motivated, where I will complete goals and operate with a positive feedback loop. Ideally, with hunger,  circadian rhythm and thyroid all balanced, I have time to work through the overwhelm of small ideas and projects with diligence. This means checking goals and what I’m doing with my time in a feedback loop, to help optimise my time and effort into goals. At the moment I feel like a back-log of projects makes choosing tasks to focus on seem over whelming, this is where scheduling can help.

So the first goals are  balancing hunger,  circadian rhythm and thyroid.


Work out food intake on average in terms of grams of carbs, fat and protein during the day. Does this look god? How can I Optimise it for a Paleo lifestyle. Is Keto an option?


This is simply a matter of balancing dosages. I need to finish reading these books on Thyroid, compare to what Kruse says on his website and keep doing labs for my own values.. learning more as I go

Circadian Rhythm

I need to go through this podcast again for notes on dialling in circadian rhythm. I am very sold on these ideas after listening once..

Wim Hoff and BPMs

I was thinking this morning while doing my daily Wim Hoff exercise that perhaps this is tapping into something much deeper.

When you are born, you come from all of possibility into a condensed human form, experiencing space and time through the 5 senses.

Through methods like holotropic breathing and non-ordinary states, one can access profound states and sometimes profound healing. It was just a connection I made during one of the breath holds noticing the profound feelings that accompany the breathing exercises.

If I go out at night, often I can taste/smell alcohol/cigarettes etc.. from the night before during the Wim Hof exercises. I interpret this as latent ‘toxins’ being mobilized during the process.

The subtle glimpses of what I could interpret as BPMs during the process may indeed be something profound, outside the linear Cartesian scientific method

New Franco: Accessing The Next Level Of Release

“This Tuesday August 8th, Franco & I will be hosting another preview call with Sifu James to talk about what you can expect from our upcoming retreat – August 25th to 27th  Accessing The Next Level Of Release, Getting Past Our Human Programs 
They will touch on some of the challenges a lot of us face and explore why it’s so important at this time to be able to release and get past our programs! Sifu James will also be doing an energy transmission for all who are on the call!
Title: Accessing the Next Level of Release Preview Call
Date & Time: Tuesday, August 8th at 9:00 PM Eastern 

Franco: Accessing Our True/Higher Self, How it Works

Here are some of the topics Franco will cover:
  • Tapping into the multiple resources we have available to us
  • The different levels of connection and access points
  • How the Chakra System plays a role
  • Our connection to our Twin Soul, Soul family and other Souls on this and other planets
  • Utilizing our Human to Human connection
  • Planetary, Solar, Galactic, Universal & Source Consciousness access​​​​​​​
Franco will share his own insights about our Higher Self to get a better understanding as to how it all works and how it serves in a big way.

Trusting Our Innate Abilities

Title: Trusting Our Innate Abilities 
Date & Time: Tuesday, May 30th at 8:00 PM Eastern
We often second guess ourselves, disregard our inner promptings or
are paralyzed with indecision, while another part of us knows we should be taking action steps and moving forward!
Tomorrow night we will discuss some of these challenges and why they exist.
Be part of the discussion and submit your questions by clicking the “Webcast Event Page” link below, then click on the box that says Q&A and write in your question.

Mp3 link