Liver Flush Success

Liver Stones
Taken from google images

I just completed a 6 day Liver flush, which resulted in the successful passing of a bunch of stones, perhaps around 10 pea sized stones as well as a few much larger ones, larger than Macadamia nuts! I think my liver is on the way to being much healthier.

I did the 6 day cleanse as described here, with the final flush last night.

The more I listen and read about digestive health, the more I want to understand and optimise mine. Having clear bile ducts seems super important for my immune system, so I’ll keep this focus up.. I’m feeling really good after my parasite cleanse, although reading this post makes me think I need to focus more on strengthening my gut bacteria. Strengthening my guy bacteria is happening with Kefir shakes every morning, although listening to this podcast makes me think I should try this bravo yoghurt for a while, with Colostrum.

Health post it notes

  • Fish oil bad – Dr Rowen
  • Calcium supplements also bad..
  • I may start a liver cleanse which seems to have a philosophy in improving digestion through the restoration of liver function, resulting in better bile production, crucial for digestion. It really seems dense resistance like liver stones or whatever you call them reverberate these efficiency reductions through the immune system, apparently this cleanse can remove hundreds of liver stones (!).
  • It’s good being able to see results in the last couple weeks of the Kalcker cleanse (!!!). I got a reply from Kalcker himself confirming that I wait until the next full moon (lols new age) for the parasite life-cycle to become active before restarting the first 8 days. I also received replies from Kerry Riviera and Dr Kalcker re the oxidation effectiveness of MMS vs Ozone, both confirming MMS was apparently better, this I don’t know either way, both seem to have a bunch o pro-biotic effects.
  • Doing Ozone saunas for 20 minutes seems to have the effect of mild energy use, I guess the other benefits are more subtle. If you have unhealthy cells being taken apart by reactive oxygen species released by Lymphaticly absorbed Ozone = well-being. Also the heat shock proteins I think they’re called come into effect stimulating cellular activity I guess.
  • Reiterating it is very heartening to feel results with this much of a personal investment.
  • My fructose sensitivity seems to have chilled out, possibly due to daily saurcraut and kefir probiotics.
  • Coffee sensitivity still somewhat not stellar, possibly tied to the liver. My alcohol sensitivity also points to this..

Hulda Clark parasite cleanse

I finished this cleanse today and objectively felt a turn in my stomach after breakfast which I am attributing to… a parasite hijacking my food supply and screwing with my moods. There are more messages being sent from the gut to the brain than vice versa, after feeling on it yesterday this is… interesting, I don’t really care in the sense that I have another protocol nearly ready to implement. Next will be the Kalcker Protocol. This includes enemas, although I will be using ozone instead of MMS for water treatment. I’ll maintain ozone saunas, I guess I’ll keep with Zapping, for now. Diet stays Primal, then I will be anticipating more days like yesterday.

I forgot about the Candida element of this whole thing. I have started the Dr Clark Store (Not affiliated with the doctor) Candida cleanse today. Just looking into the ingredients. One confounding element to these protocols I’m looking into is not having visibility into levels of Candida. Parasites may not be as tricky since I can get a test done with a few days turnaround – just means sorting out a doctors appointment. A further complication is that many members of the facebook rope worm group report tests coming back negative despite finding worms…

it continues