Dr Rowen on vaccines

Dr Rowen:

Former Merck (Pharma Giant) Salesman Tells you Why He Chose NOT to Vaccinate his Son, and This was in 1990-1991.

“If you believe what you are told by the AMA and the CDC and your doctor, you’re not doing enough research.” These words were spoken by former Merck salesman Scott Cooper.

He strongly believed in vaccines, then did his own research, and changed his mind. His wife was pro-vaccine. While she was pregnant (1990), he dug up medical research in the libraries, and returned with boxes full of materials that were against vaccines, far more with negative information on vaccines than pro-vaccine. She ultimately changed her mind in tears. This was 1990! 
Mr. Cooper held true to his newfound knowledge and did not vaccinate his son, who he states grew up very healthy. Cooper admits that the Merck attorneys admitted, while he was employed there, that bulk of Merck’s lawsuits at the time were vaccine related. He implores you to do your own research.


Recent: Elon Musk elaborates on his AI concerns

“working on AI and making sure its [a] great future. Thats the most important thing I think right now, the most pressing item”


“if you could prevent dementia, or Alzheimer or something like that with genetic reprogramming” hmm well maybe not the genetic reprogramming but I guess my learning this year would be along the same thread as optimizing health, which I guess is a different perspective on preventing psychopathology.
-Hmm well really we are talking genetic reprogramming with diet along the lines of epigenetics, likely the most interesting half lecture in first year psychology.

Continue reading “Recent: Elon Musk elaborates on his AI concerns”

Stephen Heuer (Bravo Yogurt guy) on Fasting

Hour 2 of this podcast (August-15-2016) talks about fasting and its benefits for periods up to 40 days. So I’m wanting to do a day a week fast or something like that.

Also in this episode (Sep 6) Atom Bergstrom talks about how before a fast easily digestible foods should be consumed in order to avoid twisting in the intestines.

Stephen Heuer on Bravo Yogurt


In this episode around 12 minutes in Stephen says a 10 day juice cleanse can be one of the best things you can do to clean out your intestines. This is something to look into! He mentions doing it with herbs to help the process along. I’d love a written protocol by him of how to do this!

Mp3 Link – stephen heuer on your health and healing, april 18, 2016, hour one

They mention a book Tissue Cleaning Through Bowel Management. I found several versions on amazon. Comments such as this one make me want to look further into which method to look into this, although like all the reviews for the several books gave 5 stars and sprayings of words like hallelujah.. so I guess just reading one will be a great start, especially since gut health is seemingly my biggest area of focus at the moment.. I’m going to order this one paperback as well as go through the kindle sample I downloaded.


Around half an hour in they talk about Bravo yogurt and the tone they describe this stuff makes me really glad my 3 packets arrived yesterday. Bravo is available from Stephen here.

I’m also going back over this (july 18, 2016) episode to get a really good idea about how to prepare the yoghurt. Around 38 Minutes into Part 2 of the July 18 episode Stephen mentions yoghurt can be remade after the first batch (only took me a day to find this section).

The recommended dosage is: “Adults with gut issues, or chronic health issues such as cancer or chronic fatigue start at 5 ml per day [a teaspoon] increasing by 5ml per day up to 100ml per day. ” – from Stephens Bravo page.

Also on making more batches, “1 quart (1 L) of yoghurt, add a teaspoon to a tablespoon of Colostrum to a new batch (using some of the previous batch). This is fine for doing batches for a couple months (the yoghurt lasts 2 weeks).”


This video is sooo detailleedddd – still worth knowing.

Also this episode of The Primal Blueprint Podcast. Really reiterates the mentality I am beginning to foster about my health. It covers:

  • Skin health
  • Thyroid function – which I am yet to assimilate
  • Sleep – reiterating something I failed to do last night and hence paid the price
  • Coffee – detailing the narrative of addiction and how it doesn’t serve.
  • Liver cleanses – although the guest seems against them in favor of other protocols, specifically a supplement based on broccoli. Here to be frank I am getting a bit over constantly recommended supplements – often it seems they are just to generate profit for whoevers pushing them.
  • Time frame for gut health and immune health to balance to a Primal lifestyle – maybe six months to a year – of low sugar, very little grain eating for the point of removing candida/parasites/bacteria etc. Then there’s the whole low carb thing aswell.
  • Not going in guns blazing to remove things like Candida etc
  • Switching up probiotics, something I was about to do basically by chance anyway..
  • Also there’s all this excitement about anti-oxidants. This confuses me reading about ozone in the Plazamafire ebook, where studies are referenced that show free radical theory is apparently void?!

Thats a large part of it I guess..