Procrastination + starting parasite research

Firstly, procrastination..

With that out of the way, and more importantly, I’m still weighing my food to stick with the primal diet. It’s brought up several times on this episode of JREI’m all for sticking with this whole Primal movement. Listening to the Primal podcast is motivating me towards a specific lifestyle, although one thing not harped on too specifically which I guess is the reason for this endeavour for me is parasites. I found due to travel I had some issues with parasites in recent months. I have been researching more and more and the last couple days have really opened up a crate of cans of worms (pun…). So I will be delving into this much further. The thing I am looking for is collaborated experiences of people with similar symptoms. I think the primal diet is an excellent foundation on which to start. But I am still noticing really acute mood fluctuations often in regard to sugar intake (hence the OCD food recording).
Today later in the day I was feeling crappy, I avoided a coffee in the morning despite possibly overcoming adrenal fatigue (evidenced by not feeling shit immediately after a coffee/caffeinated tea this week) and still felt crap in the afternoon.

Parasites 1.

After reading a page on parasites I’d printed out, I remember “the simplest treatment is to eat three cloves of garlic every morning” I’m like 3 cloves?! I was having half a clove 3 times daily, and was being lax on the midday dose due to worrying about farting. So I had a clove at 3pm. It actually made me feel worse for around half an hour, then I allowed myself a coffee with the caveat of reading my book. I’ve been feeling good since (11pm)… Hmm go garlic! and more motivation to continue filtering through these rabbit holes (and less time for what I previously had planned to do..). Also this recent Primal Blueprint podcast on Alcohol I found really useful (for not drinking). Continued here…


Just at the end of a 40 minute meditation I was just thinking how the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast serves the role of an elder for the early 21st century western neophyte (I hate using words like neophyte due to my belief that often tricky words are a way of expressing how much of a douche you are). Anyway, neophytes, in that the conversation is spiritually nourishing with it’s lessons of guests, very often over 40 years old,  who tell stories about whatever, embedded with their own life lessons and methods of becoming efficient in one skill or another… That’s why it’s my favourite podcast.

Bjj Thursday – what is this flow

I had a feeling today would be ok. I meditated for half an hour before heading in; once again, my flow was like never before. I was thinking on the way home; while listening to the risky business podcast talking about exploits, how by challenging myself with the personal story which makes up the dynamic expression of my life; by having a challenge in balance; I find almost an idea of being behind the curtain; thats a very rare perspective.

=QMChap2_Page_02_Image_0001As I swept one of the guys and took mount, I said ‘this is weird’, how I was able to have patience and simply walk through open doors. This confusing dynamic makes up the observations I have been having during meditation; which is actually really fun. I noted today during meditation that there wasn’t a moment of “AAgghh boring cmon lets get on with it; what’s next.”

Perhaps the Primal diet is to thank for this cortisol/adrenal/thyroid balance. I’m not sure; I certainly feel the ‘carb crash’ has a causal mood response, so I’m going with it.

I left early, as I don’t want exhaust myself, that would would suck. I’m really hoping for a good shift on Saturday. I’m acting in all the ways I can think to maintain relative balance.

Today I didn’t learn any new moves, just pulled up sweeps from memory and enacted them. Excellent session. No more carbs/protein today, despite hunger.. what fats can I eat?

EDIT: I’m not really that hungry (well if I ate I would definitely trigger it. I think I’m in ketosis!). I feel I should not eat an avocado, but some walnuts and macadamias sound good. That will be over 14 hours of fasting.. 😀

Primal Blueprint Podcast #114 – Adrenal Fatigue & Cortisol issues

Just thought I would give this podcast a go and it has so far given me two things which may prove to be profound. The first was eating carbs before an evening workout then none after; coercing the body to become more efficient with protein and fat, which showed results for athletes. The Second I have linked below and relates to Adrenal Fatigue & Cortisol issues.

I have be having a really acute sugar sensitivity for quite a while. I have slowly been figuring this out which lead me to the Primal diet after watching Mark Sisson’s episode of JRE. Initially I lost interest as soon as he said no grains, but after mood crashes at inopportune times I needed to try something new. So I wondered if there was a primal podcast; there is and this episode I think I have listened to for probably 3 times it’s length. I was looking for the the part of what to do about adrenal fatigue; which is the start point of the video.
They talk about Vitamin C, B, D and ‘full spectrum salt’… Which I started yesterday. I might go to the doctors later today and see if I can get some tests done, specifically:
  • Vitamin D
  • Thyroid
  • Cortisol
  • blood glucose

Would be interesting to see how these change after a week, since I started Vitamin B and salt yesterday and D a few days ago.

Also may need to look into DHEA and D12 levels (or something)…