Speaking my language – Medicine has become a religion (sigh)

For me talking about medicine is often a frustrating situation. The most taboo idea to bring up (not that I ever do) is perhaps Vaccines, where the word vaccine itself is welded to a cartoonish mockery of silly people.. “lol those nutjobs who refuse to vaccinate”.. To me it’s really interesting how religious people are in their beliefs about medicine, I hadn’t really used the religion analogy before listening to Dr. Gary Foresman in this podcast (embedded below). Note on vaccine research…

It has been disheartening for me to hear people who truly believe themselves to be intelligent and on the ball adamantly lock themselves into this generic disempowering mindset that Doctors know best. Hearing this podcast is very reassuring in this respect, which is aligned with an understanding I am coming to, that I should be the mechanic of my own health and nutrition… (how much do doctors learn about nutrition??).

In thinking about this ago old conundrum of ideology Vs science, the thought that western medicine treats symptoms comes up. I guess if medicine treated causation the profit motive would dry up; and now we’re in the rabbit hole…


Liver Flush Success

Liver Stones
Taken from google images

I just completed a 6 day Liver flush, which resulted in the successful passing of a bunch of stones, perhaps around 10 pea sized stones as well as a few much larger ones, larger than Macadamia nuts! I think my liver is on the way to being much healthier.

I did the 6 day cleanse as described here, with the final flush last night.

The more I listen and read about digestive health, the more I want to understand and optimise mine. Having clear bile ducts seems super important for my immune system, so I’ll keep this focus up.. I’m feeling really good after my parasite cleanse, although reading this post makes me think I need to focus more on strengthening my gut bacteria. Strengthening my guy bacteria is happening with Kefir shakes every morning, although listening to this podcast makes me think I should try this bravo yoghurt for a while, with Colostrum.

Health post it notes

  • Fish oil bad – Dr Rowen
  • Calcium supplements also bad..
  • I may start a liver cleanse which seems to have a philosophy in improving digestion through the restoration of liver function, resulting in better bile production, crucial for digestion. It really seems dense resistance like liver stones or whatever you call them reverberate these efficiency reductions through the immune system, apparently this cleanse can remove hundreds of liver stones (!).
  • It’s good being able to see results in the last couple weeks of the Kalcker cleanse (!!!). I got a reply from Kalcker himself confirming that I wait until the next full moon (lols new age) for the parasite life-cycle to become active before restarting the first 8 days. I also received replies from Kerry Riviera and Dr Kalcker re the oxidation effectiveness of MMS vs Ozone, both confirming MMS was apparently better, this I don’t know either way, both seem to have a bunch o pro-biotic effects.
  • Doing Ozone saunas for 20 minutes seems to have the effect of mild energy use, I guess the other benefits are more subtle. If you have unhealthy cells being taken apart by reactive oxygen species released by Lymphaticly absorbed Ozone = well-being. Also the heat shock proteins I think they’re called come into effect stimulating cellular activity I guess.
  • Reiterating it is very heartening to feel results with this much of a personal investment.
  • My fructose sensitivity seems to have chilled out, possibly due to daily saurcraut and kefir probiotics.
  • Coffee sensitivity still somewhat not stellar, possibly tied to the liver. My alcohol sensitivity also points to this..

Bjj Tuesday

Just a personal rundown of the drills from tonight.

Takedown from over-unders.

Head against their chin and neck, lock hands low on their back. Pull their butt under me with pressure from my shoulder in their chest for the take down. If they stick their butt out then bring my leading foot forward and level change lower in order to be able to get a monkey grip (fingers only).

Get S-mount and transition to an armbar

From mount, post my right arm out above their head. Slide my left hand up onto their left shoulder for the cross face. The cross face will force them to loosen their elbows, allowing me to move up to high mount. Move my right arm from their shoulder to a fist on the ground, from here I can slide my left knee right up above their head. I can control their left arm with my left, pulling up on their left arm, I can put my right hand on their left hip. While holding this controlling position I can slide my right foot above their head to S-mount. If I have their right arm caught under my grip on their left arm, I can make an armbar on their right arm. I can keep my right hand on their hip to make the armbar more effective.

Procrastination + starting parasite research

Firstly, procrastination..

With that out of the way, and more importantly, I’m still weighing my food to stick with the primal diet. It’s brought up several times on this episode of JREI’m all for sticking with this whole Primal movement. Listening to the Primal podcast is motivating me towards a specific lifestyle, although one thing not harped on too specifically which I guess is the reason for this endeavour for me is parasites. I found due to travel I had some issues with parasites in recent months. I have been researching more and more and the last couple days have really opened up a crate of cans of worms (pun…). So I will be delving into this much further. The thing I am looking for is collaborated experiences of people with similar symptoms. I think the primal diet is an excellent foundation on which to start. But I am still noticing really acute mood fluctuations often in regard to sugar intake (hence the OCD food recording).
Today later in the day I was feeling crappy, I avoided a coffee in the morning despite possibly overcoming adrenal fatigue (evidenced by not feeling shit immediately after a coffee/caffeinated tea this week) and still felt crap in the afternoon.

Parasites 1.

After reading a page on parasites I’d printed out, I remember “the simplest treatment is to eat three cloves of garlic every morning” I’m like 3 cloves?! I was having half a clove 3 times daily, and was being lax on the midday dose due to worrying about farting. So I had a clove at 3pm. It actually made me feel worse for around half an hour, then I allowed myself a coffee with the caveat of reading my book. I’ve been feeling good since (11pm)… Hmm go garlic! and more motivation to continue filtering through these rabbit holes (and less time for what I previously had planned to do..). Also this recent Primal Blueprint podcast on Alcohol I found really useful (for not drinking). Continued here…